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Who I am

My name is Simone Gubernati

A personal trainer who put you at the top of the pyramid of importance. Why? Because I see myself as both an athlete and a client before being a coach.

Having walked the path myself, I understand the significance of having the right guidance on your journey, whether it's through a fat loss phase, muscle gain phase, or the process of becoming the best version of yourself.

My mission? To be right by your side every step of the way and help you become the happiest person you can be.

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Simone Gubernati
Simone Gubernati, Ado Gruzza
Simone Gubernati Layne Norton
Simone Gubernati
Simone Gubernati, Christian Guzman
Natural Peaking
Eric Helms, Simone Gubernati
Brad Shoenfeld, Simone Gubernati
Angelo D'Alessandro, Marcello Delfitto

My teachers? The best in their field.

In addition to being a certified Level 4 Personal Trainer, holding a GP referral certification, and possessing some of the most valuable certifications in nutrition, I take pride in having learned from esteemed Ph.D. professionals in the field. Names like Brad Schoenfeld, Layne Norton, oe Klemczewski, and Eric Helms are just a few among them. I am continuously engaged in the latest research to ensure that I provide those I train with the highest level of knowledge.

Some review:

Guido Vianello, Pro Boxer

Guido Vianello, PRO 

TOP Ranking and Olimpic Boxer
“Simone is my reference point during my Camps in London, his knowledge in powerlifting and nutrition is on another level, and it always proves very useful in our sports projects."
Hannah John Kamen, Marvel Actress

Hannah John-Kamen

MARVEL Actress
"Simone excels at understanding individual needs, crafting personalized plans, and keeping me in shape despite my busy life. His availability and expertise make him invaluable for my fitness goals."
Marcus Barwell, MD at Soho House

Marcus Barwell

MD at Soho House
"Simone's attention to detail is something that you can hardly find in the world of fitness. He is always available despite his busy schedule, quickly grasped my needs, guiding me into sustainable wellness.
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Jason Haas

Describing Simone as a great addition to my life barely scratches the surface. Not only shed 18kg in one year, but he instilled in me the discipline, established a solid nutrition routine, and helped me evolve into a superior version of myself.

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